What will the neighbors think?

What will the neighbors think?

When you get your Doodip tub delivered and the neighbors see what looks like a stylish bathtub installed in the backyard, they’ll probably raise their eyebrows. And when you explain it’s not for bathing but for cold water immersion, they’ll spend less time watching over the fence hoping to get a peek, but their eyebrows probably won’t relax.

But you’ve done your research and you’re no fool. You don’t click on links in mysterious emails filled with misspellings. You don’t buy a $100 extended warranty on a $50 appliance. You don’t rely on essential oils to treat a broken leg. And you know the incredible mental, physical and emotional benefits of cold water immersion.

But not everyone can be as smart as you. And sometimes those less-well informed folks can be, well, kind of judgy. Whether it’s your neighbors or your friends who find your cold water habit off-putting and weird, there are some ways to help them process the fact that you are committed to the cold.

  1. Tell them you just misunderstood the phrase “Netflix and chill” but now you’re hooked.
  2. Explain that you're in training for an upcoming vacation at an Antarctic nudist camp.
  3. “I’m getting a head start on my plan for immortality via cryogenics.”
  4. Point mysteriously to the sky and whisper that you are escaping the thermal imaging cameras. “They’re watching us right now.”

If all else fails, tell them the truth. Cold water immersion makes you feel and look better, helps you focus and slows the effects of aging. And if they’d rather try to achieve that with pills or shots or $250 an ounce facial creams, that’s cool. But not as cool as a simple, natural and clean dip in cold water.

And if you’re feeling generous, share the research and ask them to try it for themselves. Because going for a Doodip stops the skeptics cold.